Apr 1, 2024

How to Make an Estimate - Without Losing Money

How to budget direct materials, direct labor, and machines for a job

A Comprehensive Guide to Accurate Project Estimation: Strategies for Avoiding Financial Losses. #estimate, #money, #construction, #calculation, #management, #budget, Without Losing Money

How to make a budget without losing money

When it comes to project estimation, precision is crucial to the success of any venture. As such, it is vital for professionals in industries such as construction, electromechanical assemblies, and similar fields to have a comprehensive understanding of the necessary steps and precautions to take in order to ensure a reliable quoted price. To assist in achieving these goals, we recommend viewing the following instructional videos. What is a budget, and how is it prepared? Before entering into the specifics of project estimation, it is important to understand the concept of a budget and its role in the process. Simply put, a budget is a financial plan that outlines the estimated costs and revenues associated with a particular project. It serves as a roadmap for the successful completion of a venture, and as such, it must be adequately prepared in order to avoid potential financial losses. In order to make an precise budget, it is essential to carefully consider the various aspects of the project, including the cost of direct materials, direct labor hours, as well as any necessary machinery and equipment. Each of these components plays a vital role in determining the overall cost of a project, and must be carefully estimated in order to ensure a reliable price quote. How to make an estimate: Without Losing Money When bidding on a project, it is imperative to have confidence in the quoted price, knowing that it is enough to cover all costs and ultimately result in a profitable venture. Failure to accurately estimate the costs of a project can not only lead to financial losses for the company, but it can also harm the reputation and credibility of the professionals involved. To avoid this scenario, it is crucial to follow proper procedures and techniques when making an estimate. By watching our series of instructional videos, you will gain valuable insights and practical tips to ensure your budget is precise and reliable. Whether you are looking to learn new strategies or refresh your existing knowledge, these videos will prove invaluable in your pursuit of precise project estimation. In conclusion, we understand the importance of accurate project estimation and the impact it can have on the success of a venture. By properly understanding and following the steps and precautions outlined in our videos, you can increase your chances of creating a reliable quoted price and ensuring a profitable result for all parties involved. So do not hesitate, watch our videos now and take the first step towards achieving financial success in your future

Mar 3, 2024

A Guide to Reliable Project Estimation . How do I create a construction budget?

How do I create a construction budget?

In this video we will discuss the following topics: Auxiliary materials in construction. Estimating indirect labor. Summary chart. Review of other specific costs What is the cost of the overhead of a job? Table to summarize. If you are in or planning to enter the construction, electromechanical assembly or similar industries, we recommend that you watch this series of videos that explain the steps to follow and the precautions to take to ensure that your estimates are accurate and reliable. During the bidding process, it is essential to be sure that the price quoted is sufficient to complete the work without setbacks and to be profitable. If you do not, you will not only fail to win the project. You could be in serious trouble. Learn or refresh your knowledge of how to create an accurate budget in this series of 6 short videos.